Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

英国公司注册局使用的是国家统计局提供的代码列表的精简版。所有在注册局提交文件的公司都会按照下方精简的 SIC 代码列表中的代码进行分类。即使公司处于休眠状态(99999)或非交易状态(74990)也会有适当的 SIC 代码。

欧企查用户可在下方搜索栏找到需要查看的行业分类。例如搜索‘食品’ 或 直接搜索SIC代码‘46390’等。

SIC 标准行业分类代码Descriptions / ENDescriptions / 中文
1110Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds谷物(水稻除外)、豆科作物和油籽种植
1120Growing of rice水稻种植
1130Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers蔬菜、瓜类、块根类和块茎类作物种植
1140Growing of sugar cane甘蔗种植
1150Growing of tobacco烟草种植
1160Growing of fibre crops纤维作物种植
1190Growing of other non-perennial crops其他非多年生作物种植
1210Growing of grapes葡萄种植
1220Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits热带和亚热带水果种植
1230Growing of citrus fruits柑橘类水果种植
1240Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits仁果和核果种植
1250Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts其他树木和灌木果实及坚果种植
1260Growing of oleaginous fruits油料水果种植
1270Growing of beverage crops饮料作物种植
1280Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops香料、芳香剂、药物和药用作物种植
1290Growing of other perennial crops其他多年生作物种植
1300Plant propagation植物繁殖
1410Raising of dairy cattle奶牛饲养
1420Raising of other cattle and buffaloes其他牛和水牛饲养
1430Raising of horses and other equines马和其他马科动物饲养
1440Raising of camels and camelids骆驼和骆驼科动物饲养
1450Raising of sheep and  goats绵羊和山羊饲养
1460Raising of swine/pigs猪/猪饲养
1470Raising of poultry家禽饲养
1490Raising of other animals其他动物
1500Mixed farming混合农业
1610Support activities for crop production作物生产支持活动
1621Farm animal boarding and care农场动物寄养和护理
1629Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding and care) n.e.c.动物生产支持活动(农场动物寄养和护理除外)
1630Post-harvest crop activities收获后作物活动
1640Seed processing for propagation繁殖种子加工
1700Hunting, trapping and related service activities狩猎、诱捕和相关服务活动
2100Silviculture and other forestry activities造林和其他林业活动
2300Gathering of wild growing non-wood products采集野生非木质产品
2400Support services to forestry林业支持服务
3110Marine fishing海洋捕鱼
3120Freshwater fishing淡水捕鱼
3210Marine aquaculture海洋水产养殖
3220Freshwater aquaculture淡水水产养殖
5101Deep coal mines深煤矿
5102Open cast coal working露天煤矿开采
5200Mining of lignite褐煤开采
6100Extraction of crude petroleum原油开采
6200Extraction of natural gas天然气开采
7100Mining of iron ores铁矿石开采
7210Mining of uranium and thorium ores铀矿和钍矿开采
7290Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores其他有色金属矿开采
8110Quarrying of ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate装饰石材和建筑石材、石灰石、石膏、白垩和板岩开采
8120Operation of gravel and sand pits; mining of clays and kaolin砾石和沙坑作业;粘土和高岭土开采
8910Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals化学和肥料矿物开采
8920Extraction of peat泥炭开采
8930Extraction of salt盐开采
8990Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.其他未另分类的采矿和采石
9100Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction石油和天然气开采的支持活动
9900Support activities for other mining and quarrying其他采矿和采石的支持活动
10110Processing and preserving of meat肉类加工和保鲜
10120Processing and preserving of poultry meat禽肉加工和保鲜
10130Production of meat and poultry meat products肉类和禽肉制品生产
10200Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs鱼类、甲壳类和软体动物加工和保鲜
10310Processing and preserving of potatoes土豆加工和保鲜
10320Manufacture of fruit and vegetable juice果蔬汁制造
10390Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables其他水果和蔬菜加工和保鲜
10410Manufacture of oils and fats油脂制造
10420Manufacture of margarine and similar edible fats人造黄油和类似食用油脂制造
10511Liquid milk and cream production液态奶和奶油生产
10512Butter and cheese production黄油和奶酪生产
10519Manufacture of other milk products其他奶制品制造
10520Manufacture of ice cream冰淇淋制造
10611Grain milling谷物碾磨
10612Manufacture of breakfast cereals and cereals-based food早餐谷物和谷物类食品制造
10620Manufacture of starches and starch products淀粉和淀粉制品制造
10710Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes面包制造;新鲜糕点和蛋糕制造
10720Manufacture of rusks and biscuits; manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes面包干和饼干制造;蜜饯糕点和蛋糕的制造
10730Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products通心粉、面条、蒸粗麦粉和类似的含淀粉产品的制造
10810Manufacture of sugar糖的制造
10821Manufacture of cocoa and chocolate confectionery可可和巧克力糖果的制造
10822Manufacture of sugar confectionery糖果的制造
10831Tea processing茶叶加工
10832Production of coffee and coffee substitutes咖啡和咖啡代用品的生产
10840Manufacture of condiments and seasonings调味品和调料的制造
10850Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes熟食和菜肴的制造
10860Manufacture of homogenized food preparations and dietetic food均质食品制剂和减肥食品的制造
10890Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.未另分类的其他食品的制造
10910Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals农场动物饲料的制造
10920Manufacture of prepared pet foods宠物食品的制造
11010Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits烈酒的蒸馏、精馏和混合
11020Manufacture of wine from grape葡萄酒的制造
11030Manufacture of cider and other fruit wines苹果酒和其他果酒的制造
11040Manufacture of other non-distilled fermented beverages其他非蒸馏发酵饮料的制造
11050Manufacture of beer啤酒的制造
11060Manufacture of malt麦芽的制造
11070Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters软饮料的制造;矿泉水和其他瓶装水的生产
12000Manufacture of tobacco products烟草制品的制造
13100Preparation and spinning of textile fibres纺织纤维的制备和纺纱
13200Weaving of textiles纺织品的编织
13300Finishing of textiles纺织品的整理
13910Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics针织和钩编织物的制造
13921Manufacture of soft furnishings软家具的制造
13922manufacture of canvas goods, sacks, etc.帆布制品、麻袋等的制造
13923manufacture of household textiles家用纺织品的制造
13931Manufacture of woven or tufted carpets and rugs机织或簇绒地毯和地垫的制造
13939Manufacture of other carpets and rugs其他地毯和地垫的制造
13940Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting绳索、绳子、麻线和网的制造
13950Manufacture of non-wovens and articles made from non-wovens, except apparel非织造布及其制品的制造(服装除外)
13960Manufacture of other technical and industrial textiles其他技术和工业纺织品的制造
13990Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.未另分类的其他纺织品的制造
14110Manufacture of leather clothes皮革服装的制造
14120Manufacture of workwear工作服的制造
14131Manufacture of other men's outerwear其他男士外衣的制造
14132Manufacture of other women's outerwear其他女士外衣的制造
14141Manufacture of men's underwear男士内衣的制造
14142Manufacture of women's underwear女式内衣制造
14190Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories n.e.c.其他未另分类的服装及配饰制造
14200Manufacture of articles of fur毛皮制品制造
14310Manufacture of knitted and crocheted hosiery针织和钩编袜类制造
14390Manufacture of other knitted and crocheted apparel其他针织和钩编服装制造
15110Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur皮革鞣制及修整;毛皮修整及染色
15120Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness行李箱、手提包及类似品、马具及马具制造
15200Manufacture of footwear鞋类制造
16100Sawmilling and planing of wood木材锯木及刨光
16210Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels胶合板及人造板制造
16220Manufacture of assembled parquet floors拼花地板制造
16230Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery其他建筑木工制品及细木工制品制造
16240Manufacture of wooden containers木制容器制造
16290Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials其他木制品制造;软木、稻草及编织材料制品制造
17110Manufacture of pulp纸浆制造
17120Manufacture of paper and paperboard纸及纸板制造
17211Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard, sacks and bags瓦楞纸及纸板、麻袋及袋子制造
17219Manufacture of other paper and paperboard containers其他纸及纸板容器制造
17220Manufacture of household and sanitary goods and of toilet requisites家庭用品、卫生用品及盥洗用品制造
17230Manufacture of paper stationery纸质文具制造
17240Manufacture of wallpaper壁纸制造
17290Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.未另分类的其他纸及纸板制品制造
18110Printing of newspapers报纸印刷
18121Manufacture of printed labels印刷标签制造
18129Printing n.e.c.未另分类的印刷
18130Pre-press and pre-media services印前和印前服务
18140Binding and related services装订及相关服务
18201Reproduction of sound recording录音复制
18202Reproduction of video recording录像复制
18203Reproduction of computer media计算机媒体复制
19100Manufacture of coke oven products焦炉产品制造
19201Mineral oil refining矿物油精炼
19209Other treatment of petroleum products (excluding petrochemicals manufacture)其他石油产品处理(不包括石化产品制造)
20110Manufacture of industrial gases工业气体制造
20120Manufacture of dyes and pigments染料和颜料制造
20130Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals其他无机基础化学品制造
20140Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals其他有机基础化学品制造
20150Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds肥料和氮化合物制造
20160Manufacture of plastics in primary forms初级形状塑料制造
20170Manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms初级形状合成橡胶制造
20200Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products农药和其他农用化学品制造
20301Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants油漆、清漆和类似涂料、胶粘剂和密封剂制造
20302Manufacture of printing ink印刷油墨制造
20411Manufacture of soap and detergents肥皂和洗涤剂制造
20412Manufacture of cleaning and polishing preparations清洁和抛光制剂制造
20420Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations香水和盥洗用品制造
20510Manufacture of explosives炸药制造
20520Manufacture of glues胶水制造
20530Manufacture of essential oils精油制造
20590Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.制造未另分类的其他化学产品制造
20600Manufacture of man-made fibres人造纤维制造
21100Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products基本医药产品制造
21200Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations药物制剂制造
22110Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres橡胶轮胎及内胎制造;橡胶轮胎翻新及改造
22190Manufacture of other rubber products其他橡胶制品制造
22210Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles塑料板材、片材、管材及型材制造
22220Manufacture of plastic packing goods塑料包装制品制造
22230Manufacture of builders  ware of plastic塑料建筑用品制造
22290Manufacture of other plastic products其他塑料制品制造
23110Manufacture of flat glass平板玻璃制造
23120Shaping and processing of flat glass平板玻璃成型及加工
23130Manufacture of hollow glass空心玻璃制造
23140Manufacture of glass fibres玻璃纤维制造
23190Manufacture and processing of other glass, including technical glassware其他玻璃制造及加工,包括技术玻璃器皿
23200Manufacture of refractory products耐火制品制造
23310Manufacture of ceramic tiles and flags瓷砖及陶瓷板制造
23320Manufacture of bricks, tiles and construction products, in baked clay砖、瓦及建筑制品制造(烧制粘土制品)
23410Manufacture of ceramic household and ornamental articles陶瓷家居及装饰品制造
23420Manufacture of ceramic sanitary fixtures陶瓷卫生洁具制造
23430Manufacture of ceramic insulators and insulating fittings陶瓷绝缘子及绝缘配件制造
23440Manufacture of other technical ceramic products其他技术陶瓷制品制造
23490Manufacture of other ceramic products n.e.c.其他未另分类陶瓷制品制造
23510Manufacture of cement水泥制造
23520Manufacture of lime and plaster石灰和石膏制造
23610Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes建筑用混凝土制品制造
23620Manufacture of plaster products for construction purposes建筑用石膏制品制造
23630Manufacture of ready-mixed concrete预拌混凝土制造
23640Manufacture of mortars砂浆制造
23650Manufacture of fibre cement纤维水泥制造
23690Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement其他混凝土、石膏和水泥制品制造
23700Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone石材切割、整形和精加工
23910Production of abrasive products磨料产品生产
23990Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.其他未另分类的非金属矿产品制造
24100Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys基础钢铁及铁合金制造
24200Manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings, of steel钢管、管材、空心型材及相关配件制造
24310Cold drawing of bars棒材冷拔
24320Cold rolling of narrow strip窄带冷轧
24330Cold forming or folding冷成型或折叠
24340Cold drawing of wire钢丝冷拔
24410Precious metals production贵金属生产
24420Aluminium production铝生产
24430Lead, zinc and tin production铅、锌、锡生产
24440Copper production铜生产
24450Other non-ferrous metal production其他有色金属生产
24460Processing of nuclear fuel核燃料加工
24510Casting of iron铁铸造
24520Casting of steel钢铸造
24530Casting of light metals轻金属铸造
24540Casting of other non-ferrous metals其他有色金属铸造
25110Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures金属结构及结构部件制造
25120Manufacture of doors and windows of metal金属门窗制造
25210Manufacture of central heating radiators and boilers中央供暖散热器及锅炉制造
25290Manufacture of other tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal其他金属罐、储水箱及容器制造
25300Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers蒸汽发生器制造(中央供暖热水锅炉除外)
25400Manufacture of weapons and ammunition武器及弹药制造
25500Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy金属锻造、压制、冲压及滚压成型;粉末冶金
25610Treatment and coating of metals金属处理和涂层
25710Manufacture of cutlery餐具制造
25720Manufacture of locks and hinges锁和铰链制造
25730Manufacture of tools工具制造
25910Manufacture of steel drums and similar containers钢桶及类似容器制造
25920Manufacture of light metal packaging轻金属包装制造
25930Manufacture of wire products, chain and springs线材制品、链条和弹簧制造
25940Manufacture of fasteners and screw machine products紧固件和螺丝机产品制造
25990Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.其他未列明的金属制品制造​​
26110Manufacture of electronic components电子元件制造
26120Manufacture of loaded electronic boards载有电子板的制造
26200Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment计算机及外围设备制造
26301Manufacture of telegraph and telephone apparatus and equipment电报和电话设备及设备的制造
26309Manufacture of communication equipment other than telegraph, and telephone apparatus and equipment电报、电话设备及设备以外的通信设备的制造
26400Manufacture of consumer electronics消费电子产品制造
26511Manufacture of electronic measuring, testing etc. equipment, not for industrial process control非工业过程控制用电子测量、测试等设备的制造
26512Manufacture of electronic industrial process control equipment电子工业过程控制设备的制造
26513Manufacture of non-electronic measuring, testing etc. equipment, not for industrial process control非电子测量、测试等设备制造(非工业过程控制用)
26514Manufacture of non-electronic industrial process control equipment非电子工业过程控制设备制造
26520Manufacture of watches and clocks钟表制造
26600Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment辐照、电子医疗和电疗设备制造
26701Manufacture of optical precision instruments光学精密仪器制造
26702Manufacture of photographic and cinematographic equipment摄影和电影设备制造
26800Manufacture of magnetic and optical media磁性和光学介质制造
27110Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers电动机、发电机和变压器制造
27120Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus电力分配和控制设备制造
27200Manufacture of batteries and accumulators电池和蓄电池制造
27310Manufacture of fibre optic cables光纤电缆制造
27320Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables其他电子和电线电缆制造
27330Manufacture of wiring devices配线设备制造
27400Manufacture of electric lighting equipment电灯设备制造
27510Manufacture of electric domestic appliances家用电器制造
27520Manufacture of non-electric domestic appliances非电动家用电器制造
27900Manufacture of other electrical equipment其他电气设备制造
28110Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines发动机和涡轮机制造(飞机、汽车和自行车发动机除外)
28120Manufacture of fluid power equipment流体动力设备制造
28131Manufacture of pumps泵制造
28132Manufacture of compressors压缩机
28140Manufacture of taps and valves水龙头和阀门制造
28150Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements轴承、齿轮、传动装置和驱动元件制造
28210Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners烤箱、熔炉和熔炉燃烧器制造
28220Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment起重和搬运设备制造
28230Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment)办公机械和设备制造(计算机和外围设备除外)
28240Manufacture of power-driven hand tools电动手动工具制造
28250Manufacture of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment非家用冷却和通风设备制造
28290Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.其他未另分类的通用机械制造
28301Manufacture of agricultural tractors农业拖拉机制造
28302Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery other than tractors拖拉机以外的农业和林业机械制造
28410Manufacture of metal forming machinery金属成形机械制造
28490Manufacture of other machine tools其他机床制造
28910Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy冶金机械制造
28921Manufacture of machinery for mining采矿机械制造
28922Manufacture of earthmoving equipment土方设备制造
28923Manufacture of equipment for concrete crushing and screening and roadworks混凝土破碎筛分和道路工程设备制造
28930Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing食品、饮料和烟草加工机械制造
28940Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production纺织、服装和皮革生产机械制造
28950Manufacture of machinery for paper and paperboard production纸和纸板生产机械制造
28960Manufacture of plastics and rubber machinery塑料和橡胶机械制造
28990Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.其他未另分类的专用机械制造
29100Manufacture of motor vehicles机动车制造
29201Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles (except caravans)机动车车身(车体)制造(大篷车除外)
29202Manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers拖车和半拖车制造
29203Manufacture of caravans大篷车制造
29310Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles and their engines机动车及其发动机的电气和电子设备制造
29320Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles机动车其他零部件和附件制造
30110Building of ships and floating structures船舶和浮动结构建造
30120Building of pleasure and sporting boats游艇和运动艇建造
30200Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock铁路机车和机车车辆制造
30300Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery航空航天器及相关机械制造
30400Manufacture of military fighting vehicles军用战斗车辆制造
30910Manufacture of motorcycles摩托车制造
30920Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages自行车和残疾人车制造
30990Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.其他未另分类的运输设备制造
31010Manufacture of office and shop furniture办公室和商店家具制造
31020Manufacture of kitchen furniture厨房家具制造
31030Manufacture of mattresses床垫制造
31090Manufacture of other furniture其他家具制造
32110Striking of coins硬币铸造
32120Manufacture of jewellery and related articles珠宝及相关物品制造
32130Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles仿制珠宝及相关物品制造
32200Manufacture of musical instruments乐器制造
32300Manufacture of sports goods体育用品制造
32401Manufacture of professional and arcade games and toys专业和街机游戏和玩具制造
32409Manufacture of other games and toys, n.e.c.其他游戏和玩具制造(未另分类)
32500Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies医疗和牙科器械及用品制造
32910Manufacture of brooms and brushes扫帚和刷子制造
32990Other manufacturing n.e.c.其他制造业(未另分类)
33110Repair of fabricated metal products金属制品修理
33120Repair of machinery机械修理
33130Repair of electronic and optical equipment电子和光学设备修理
33140Repair of electrical equipment电气设备修理
33150Repair and maintenance of ships and boats船舶维修和保养
33160Repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft飞机和航天器的维修和保养
33170Repair and maintenance of other transport equipment n.e.c.其他运输设备的维修和保养(未另分类)
33190Repair of other equipment其他设备维修
33200Installation of industrial machinery and equipment工业机械和设备安装
35110Production of electricity电力生产
35120Transmission of electricity电力传输
35130Distribution of electricity电力分配
35140Trade of electricity电力贸易
35210Manufacture of gas天然气制造
35220Distribution of gaseous fuels through mains通过主管道分配气体燃料
35230Trade of gas through mains通过主管道交易天然气
35300Steam and air conditioning supply蒸汽和空调供应
36000Water collection, treatment and supply水的收集、处理和供应
38110Collection of non-hazardous waste无害废物收集
38120Collection of hazardous waste危险废物收集
38210Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste无害废物处理和处置
38220Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste危险废物处理和处置
38310Dismantling of wrecks沉船拆除
38320Recovery of sorted materials分类材料回收
39000Remediation activities and other waste management services修复活动和其他废物管理服务
41100Development of building projects建筑项目开发
41201Construction of commercial buildings商业建筑建设
41202Construction of domestic buildings民用建筑建设
42110Construction of roads and motorways道路和高速公路建设
42120Construction of railways and underground railways铁路和地铁建设
42130Construction of bridges and tunnels桥梁和隧道建设
42210Construction of utility projects for fluids流体公用工程建设
42220Construction of utility projects for electricity and telecommunications电力和电信公用工程建设
42910Construction of water projects水利工程建设
42990Construction of other civil engineering projects n.e.c.其他未列明的土木工程建设
43120Site preparation场地准备
43130Test drilling and boring试验钻孔和钻探
43210Electrical installation电气安装
43220Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation管道、供热和空调安装
43290Other construction installation其他建筑安装
43320Joinery installation细木工安装
43330Floor and wall covering地板和墙壁覆盖物
43390Other building completion and finishing其他建筑竣工和装饰
43910Roofing activities屋顶活动
43991Scaffold erection脚手架搭建
43999Other specialised construction activities n.e.c.其他未另分类的专业建筑活动
45111Sale of new cars and light motor vehicles新车和轻型机动车销售
45112Sale of used cars and light motor vehicles二手车和轻型机动车销售
45190Sale of other motor vehicles其他机动车销售
45200Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles机动车维护和修理
45310Wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories机动车零部件批发贸易
45320Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories机动车零部件零售贸易
45400Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories摩托车及相关零部件和配件销售、维护和修理
46110Agents selling agricultural raw materials, livestock, textile raw materials and semi-finished goods农业原料、牲畜、纺织原料和半成品销售代理
46120Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals燃料、矿石、金属和工业化学品销售代理
46130Agents involved in the sale of timber and building materials木材和建筑材料销售代理
46140Agents involved in the sale of machinery, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft机械、工业设备、船舶和飞机销售代理
46150Agents involved in the sale of furniture, household goods, hardware and ironmongery家具、家居用品、五金和铁器销售代理
46160Agents involved in the sale of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods纺织品、服装、毛皮、鞋类和皮革制品销售代理
46170Agents involved in the sale of food, beverages and tobacco食品、饮料和烟草销售代理
46180Agents specialized in the sale of other particular products其他特定产品专业销售代理
46190Agents involved in the sale of a variety of goods多种商品销售代理
46210Wholesale of grain, unmanufactured tobacco, seeds and animal feeds谷物、未加工烟草、种子和动物的批发饲料
46220Wholesale of flowers and plants花卉植物批发
46230Wholesale of live animals活体动物批发
46240Wholesale of hides, skins and leather生皮、毛皮和皮革批发
46310Wholesale of fruit and vegetables水果和蔬菜批发
46320Wholesale of meat and meat products肉类和肉制品批发
46330Wholesale of dairy products, eggs and edible oils and fats乳制品、鸡蛋和食用油脂批发
46341Wholesale of fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water and soft drinks果蔬汁、矿泉水和软饮料批发
46342Wholesale of wine, beer, spirits and other alcoholic beverages葡萄酒、啤酒、烈酒和其他酒精饮料批发
46350Wholesale of tobacco products烟草制品批发
46360Wholesale of sugar and chocolate and sugar confectionery糖、巧克力和糖果批发
46370Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices咖啡、茶、可可和香料批发
46380Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs其他食品批发,包括鱼类、甲壳类和软体动物
46390Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco食品、饮料和烟草非专业批发
46410Wholesale of textiles纺织品批发
46420Wholesale of clothing and footwear服装和鞋类批发
46431Wholesale of audio tapes, records, CDs and video tapes and the equipment on which these are played录音带、唱片、CD 和录像带及其播放设备的批发
46439Wholesale of radio, television goods & electrical household appliances (other than records, tapes, CD's & video tapes and the equipment used for playing them)广播、电视产品和家用电器批发(唱片、录音带、CD 和录像带及其播放设备除外) (其中)
46440Wholesale of china and glassware and cleaning materials瓷器、玻璃器皿和清洁材料批发
46450Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics香水和化妆品批发
46460Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods医药产品批发
46470Wholesale of furniture, carpets and lighting equipment家具、地毯和照明设备批发
46480Wholesale of watches and jewellery手表和珠宝批发
46491Wholesale of musical instruments乐器批发
46499Wholesale of household goods (other than musical instruments) n.e.c.家居用品(乐器除外)批发
46510Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software计算机、计算机外围设备和软件批发
46520Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts电子和电信设备及零件批发
46610Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies农业机械、设备和用品批发
46620Wholesale of machine tools机床批发
46630Wholesale of mining, construction and civil engineering machinery采矿、建筑和土木工程机械批发
46640Wholesale of machinery for the textile industry and of sewing and knitting machines纺织工业机械和缝纫机及针织机批发
46650Wholesale of office furniture办公家具批发
46660Wholesale of other office machinery and equipment其他办公机械和设备批发
46690Wholesale of other machinery and equipment其他机械和设备批发
46711Wholesale of petroleum and petroleum products石油和石油产品批发
46719Wholesale of other fuels and related products其他燃料及相关产品批发
46720Wholesale of metals and metal ores金属和金属矿石批发
46730Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment木材、建筑材料和卫生设备批发
46740Wholesale of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies五金、管道和供暖设备及用品批发
46750Wholesale of chemical products化工产品批发
46760Wholesale of other intermediate products其他中间产品批发
46770Wholesale of waste and scrap废料和碎料批发
46900Non-specialised wholesale trade非专业批发贸易
47110Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating食品、饮料或烟草为主的非专业商店零售
47190Other retail sale in non-specialised stores其他非专业商店零售
47210Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialised stores水果和蔬菜零售专卖店
47220Retail sale of meat and meat products in specialised stores专卖店中肉类及肉制品的零售
47230Retail sale of fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialised stores专卖店中鱼类、甲壳类及软体动物的零售
47240Retail sale of bread, cakes, flour confectionery and sugar confectionery in specialised stores专卖店中面包、蛋糕、面粉糖果及糖果的零售
47250Retail sale of beverages in specialised stores专卖店中饮料的零售
47260Retail sale of tobacco products in specialised stores专卖店中烟草制品的零售
47290Other retail sale of food in specialised stores专卖店中其他食品的零售
47300Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores专卖店中汽车燃料的零售
47410Retail sale of computers, peripheral units and software in specialised stores专卖店中计算机、外围设备和软件的零售
47421Retail sale of mobile telephones移动电话的零售
47429Retail sale of telecommunications equipment other than mobile telephones移动电话以外的电信设备的零售
47430Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialised stores专卖店中音像设备的零售
47510Retail sale of textiles in specialised stores专卖店中纺织品的零售
47520Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores专卖店中五金、油漆和玻璃的零售
47530Retail sale of carpets, rugs, wall and floor coverings in specialised stores专卖店中地毯、地垫、墙面和地板覆盖物的零售
47540Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialised stores专卖店中家用电器的零售
47591Retail sale of musical instruments and scores乐器和乐谱的零售
47599Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store专卖店中家具、灯具及类似品(非乐器或乐谱)的零售
47610Retail sale of books in specialised stores专卖店中书籍的零售
47620Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialised stores专卖店中报纸和文具的零售
47630Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialised stores专卖店中音乐和视频录制品的零售
47640Retail sale of sports goods, fishing gear, camping goods, boats and bicycles体育用品、渔具、野营用品、船只和自行车的零售
47650Retail sale of games and toys in specialised stores专卖店中游戏和玩具的零售
47710Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores专卖店中服装的零售
47721Retail sale of footwear in specialised stores专卖店中鞋类的零售
47722Retail sale of leather goods in specialised stores专卖店中皮革制品的零售
47730Dispensing chemist in specialised stores专卖店中配药的药剂师
47741Retail sale of hearing aids助听器的零售
47749Retail sale of medical and orthopaedic goods in specialised stores (not incl. hearing aids) n.e.c.专卖店中医疗和矫形用品的零售(不包括助听器)n.e.c.
47750Retail sale of cosmetic and toilet articles in specialised stores专卖店化妆品和盥洗用品的零售
47760Retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers, pet animals and pet food in specialised stores专卖店鲜花、植物、种子、肥料、宠物和宠物食品的零售
47770Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores专卖店手表和珠宝的零售
47781Retail sale in commercial art galleries商业艺术画廊的零售
47782Retail sale by opticians眼镜店的零售
47789Other retail sale of new goods in specialised stores (not commercial art galleries and opticians)专卖店其他新商品的零售(不包括商业艺术画廊和眼镜店)
47791Retail sale of antiques including antique books in stores商店古董(包括古书)的零售
47799Retail sale of other second-hand goods in stores (not incl. antiques)商店其他二手商品的零售(不包括古董)
47810Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products通过摊位和市场零售食品、饮料和烟草制品
47820Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear通过摊位和市场零售纺织品、服装和鞋类
47890Retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods通过摊位和市场零售其他商品
47910Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet通过邮购公司或互联网零售
47990Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets其他非商店、摊位或市场零售
49100Passenger rail transport, interurban城际旅客铁路运输
49200Freight rail transport货运铁路运输
49311Urban and suburban passenger railway transportation by underground, metro and similar systems通过地铁、地铁和类似系统的城市和郊区旅客铁路运输
49319Other urban, suburban or metropolitan passenger land transport (not underground, metro or similar)其他城市、郊区或大都市的陆上客运交通(不包括地铁、地铁或类似交通方式)
49320Taxi operation出租车运营
49390Other passenger land transport其他陆路客运
49410Freight transport by road公路货运
49420Removal services搬运服务
49500Transport via pipeline管道运输
50100Sea and coastal passenger water transport海上和沿海客运水运
50200Sea and coastal freight water transport海上和沿海货运水运
50300Inland passenger water transport内陆客运水运
50400Inland freight water transport内陆货运水运
51101Scheduled passenger air transport定期客运航空运输
51102Non-scheduled passenger air transport不定期客运航空运输
51210Freight air transport货运航空运输
51220Space transport空间运输
52101Operation of warehousing and storage facilities for water transport activities水运仓储设施的运营
52102Operation of warehousing and storage facilities for air transport activities航空运输仓储设施的运营
52103Operation of warehousing and storage facilities for land transport activities陆运仓储设施的运营
52211Operation of rail freight terminals铁路货运站的运营
52212Operation of rail passenger facilities at railway stations火车站铁路客运设施的运营
52213Operation of bus and coach passenger facilities at bus and coach stations公共汽车和长途汽车站公共汽车和长途汽车客运设施的运营
52219Other service activities incidental to land transportation, n.e.c.其他与陆运相关的服务活动(未另分类)
52220Service activities incidental to water transportation与水运相关的服务活动
52230Service activities incidental to air transportation与空运相关的服务活动
52241Cargo handling for water transport activities水运货物装卸活动
52242Cargo handling for air transport activities空运货物装卸活动
52243Cargo handling for land transport activities陆运货物装卸活动
52290Other transportation support activities其他运输支持活动
53100Postal activities under universal service obligation普遍服务义务下的邮政活动
53201Licensed carriers持牌承运人
53202Unlicensed carrier无牌承运人
55100Hotels and similar accommodation酒店及类似住宿
55201Holiday centres and villages度假中心和度假村
55202Youth hostels青年旅舍
55209Other holiday and other collective accommodation其他度假和其他集体住宿
55300Recreational vehicle parks, trailer parks and camping grounds房车停车场、拖车停车场和露营地
55900Other accommodation其他住宿
56101Licensed restaurants持牌餐馆
56102Unlicensed restaurants and cafes无牌餐馆和咖啡馆
56103Take-away food shops and mobile food stands外卖食品店和流动食品摊
56210Event catering activities活动餐饮活动
56290Other food services其他食品服务
56301Licensed clubs持牌俱乐部
56302Public houses and bars酒吧和酒吧
58110Book publishing图书出版
58120Publishing of directories and mailing lists目录和邮件列表出版
58130Publishing of newspapers报纸出版
58141Publishing of learned journals学术期刊出版
58142Publishing of  consumer and business journals and periodicals消费者和商业期刊和期刊出版
58190Other publishing activities其他出版活动
58210Publishing of computer games电脑游戏出版
58290Other software publishing其他软件出版
59111Motion picture production activities电影制作活动
59112Video production activities视频制作活动
59113Television programme production activities电视节目制作活动
59120Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities电影、录像和电视节目的后期制作活动
59131Motion picture distribution activities电影发行活动
59132Video distribution activities录像发行活动
59133Television programme distribution activities电视节目发行活动
59140Motion picture projection activities电影放映活动
59200Sound recording and music publishing activities录音和音乐出版活动
60100Radio broadcasting无线电广播
60200Television programming and broadcasting activities电视节目制作和广播活动
61100Wired telecommunications activities有线电信活动
61200Wireless telecommunications activities无线电通信活动
61300Satellite telecommunications activities卫星电信活动
61900Other telecommunications activities其他电信活动
62011Ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software development现成的互动休闲和娱乐软件开发
62012Business and domestic software development商务和家用软件开发
62020Information technology consultancy activities信息技术咨询活动
62030Computer facilities management activities计算机设施管理活动
62090Other information technology service activities其他信息技术服务活动
63110Data processing, hosting and related activities数据处理、托管及相关活动
63120Web portals门户网站
63910News agency activities新闻社活动
63990Other information service activities n.e.c.未另分类的其他信息服务活动
64110Central banking中央银行
64192Building societies建筑协会
64201Activities of agricultural holding companies农业控股公司的活动
64202Activities of production holding companies生产控股公司的活动
64203Activities of construction holding companies建筑控股公司的活动
64204Activities of distribution holding companies分销控股公司的活动
64205Activities of financial services holding companies金融服务控股公司的活动
64209Activities of other holding companies n.e.c.未另分类的其他控股公司的活动
64301Activities of investment trusts投资信托的活动
64302Activities of unit trusts单位信托的活动
64303Activities of venture and development capital companies风险投资和开发资本公司的活动
64304Activities of open-ended investment companies开放式投资公司的活动
64305Activities of property unit trusts财产单位信托的活动
64306Activities of real estate investment trusts房地产投资信托的活动
64910Financial leasing金融租赁
64921Credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors非存款金融机构和其他专业消费者信贷发放者的信贷发放
64922Activities of mortgage finance companies抵押融资公司的活动
64929Other credit granting n.e.c.未另分类的其他信贷发放
64991Security dealing on own account自营证券交易
64999Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified未另分类的金融中介
65110Life insurance人寿保险
65120Non-life insurance非人寿保险
65201Life reinsurance人寿再保险
65202Non-life reinsurance非人寿再保险
65300Pension funding养老金基金
66110Administration of financial markets金融市场管理
66120Security and commodity contracts dealing activities证券和商品合约交易活动
66190Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation n.e.c.未另分类的金融中介辅助活动
66210Risk and damage evaluation风险和损害评估
66220Activities of insurance agents and brokers保险代理人和经纪人的活动
66290Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding保险和养老基金辅助活动
66300Fund management activities基金管理活动
68100Buying and selling of own real estate自有房地产的买卖
68201Renting and operating of Housing Association real estate住房协会房地产的租赁和经营
68202Letting and operating of conference and exhibition centres会议和展览中心的出租和经营
68209Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate自有或租赁房地产的其他出租和经营
68310Real estate agencies房地产代理机构
68320Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis收费或合同基础上的房地产管理
69101Barristers at law律师
69109Activities of patent and copyright agents; other legal activities n.e.c.专利和版权代理人的活动;未另分类的其他法律活动
69201Accounting and auditing activities会计和审计活动
69202Bookkeeping activities簿记活动
69203Tax consultancy税务咨询
70100Activities of head offices总部活动
70210Public relations and communications activities公共关系和传播活动
70221Financial management财务管理
70229Management consultancy activities other than financial management财务管理以外的管理咨询活动
71111Architectural activities建筑活动
71112Urban planning and landscape architectural activities城市规划和景观建筑活动
71121Engineering design activities for industrial process and production工业过程和生产的工程设计活动
71122Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities与工程有关的科学和技术咨询活动
71129Other engineering activities其他工程活动
71200Technical testing and analysis技术测试和分析
72110Research and experimental development on biotechnology生物技术研究和实验开发
72190Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering自然科学和工程学的其他研究和实验开发
72200Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities社会科学和人文科学的研究和实验开发
73110Advertising agencies广告代理
73120Media representation services媒体代理服务
73200Market research and public opinion polling市场研究和民意调查
74100specialised design activities专业设计活动
74201Portrait photographic activities肖像摄影活动
74202Other specialist photography其他专业摄影
74203Film processing胶片处理
74209Photographic activities not elsewhere classified未分类的摄影活动
74300Translation and interpretation activities翻译和口译活动
74901Environmental consulting activities环境咨询活动
74902Quantity surveying activities工料测量活动
74909Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.其他未另分类的专业、科学和技术活动
74990Non-trading company非贸易公司
75000Veterinary activities兽医活动
77110Renting and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles汽车和轻型机动车租赁
77120Renting and leasing of trucks and other heavy vehicles卡车和其他重型车辆租赁
77210Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods娱乐和体育用品租赁
77220Renting of video tapes and disks录像带和光盘租赁
77291Renting and leasing of media entertainment equipment媒体娱乐设备租赁
77299Renting and leasing of other personal and household goods其他个人和家庭用品租赁
77310Renting and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment农业机械和设备租赁
77320Renting and leasing of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment建筑和土木工程机械和设备租赁
77330Renting and leasing of office machinery and equipment (including computers)办公机械和设备租赁(包括计算机)
77341Renting and leasing of passenger water transport equipment水上客运设备租赁
77342Renting and leasing of freight water transport equipment水上货运设备租赁
77351Renting and leasing of air passenger transport equipment航空客运设备租赁
77352Renting and leasing of freight air transport equipment航空货运设备租赁
77390Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c.其他机械、设备和有形商品租赁
77400Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyright works知识产权和类似产品的租赁,版权作品除外
78101Motion picture, television and other theatrical casting activities电影、电视和其他戏剧演员选角活动
78109Other activities of employment placement agencies就业安置机构的其他活动
78200Temporary employment agency activities临时就业机构活动
78300Human resources provision and management of human resources functions人力资源提供和人力资源职能管理
79110Travel agency activities旅行社活动
79120Tour operator activities旅游经营者活动
79901Activities of tourist guides导游活动
79909Other reservation service activities n.e.c.其他未另分类的预订服务活动
80100Private security activities私人保安活动
80200Security systems service activities安全系统服务活动
80300Investigation activities调查活动
81100Combined facilities support activities综合设施支持活动
81210General cleaning of buildings建筑物的一般清洁
81221Window cleaning services窗户清洁服务
81222Specialised cleaning services专业清洁服务
81223Furnace and chimney cleaning services炉子和烟囱清洁服务
81229Other building and industrial cleaning activities其他建筑和工业清洁活动
81291Disinfecting and exterminating services消毒和灭虫服务
81299Other cleaning services其他清洁服务
81300Landscape service activities景观服务活动
82110Combined office administrative service activities综合办公管理服务活动
82190Photocopying, document preparation and other specialised office support activities复印、文件准备和其他专业办公支持活动
82200Activities of call centres呼叫中心的活动
82301Activities of exhibition and fair organisers展览和博览会组织者的活动
82302Activities of conference organisers会议组织者的活动
82911Activities of collection agencies催收机构的活动
82912Activities of credit bureaus信贷机构的活动
82920Packaging activities包装活动
82990Other business support service activities n.e.c.其他未另分类的商业支持服务活动
84110General public administration activities一般公共管理活动
84120Regulation of health care, education, cultural and other social services, not incl. social security医疗、教育、文化和其他社会服务的监管,不包括社会保障
84130Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses企业高效运营的监管和促进
84210Foreign affairs外交事务
84220Defence activities国防活动
84230Justice and judicial activities司法和司法活动
84240Public order and safety activities公共秩序和安全活动
84250Fire service activities消防服务活动
84300Compulsory social security activities义务社会保障活动
85100Pre-primary education学前教育
85200Primary education小学教育
85310General secondary education普通中学教育
85320Technical and vocational secondary education技术和职业中学教育
85410Post-secondary non-tertiary education中等以上非高等教育
85421First-degree level higher education第一学位高等教育
85422Post-graduate level higher education研究生高等教育
85510Sports and recreation education体育和娱乐教育
85520Cultural education文化教育
85530Driving school activities驾校活动
85590Other education n.e.c.其他未另分类的教育
85600Educational support services教育支持服务
86101Hospital activities医院活动
86102Medical nursing home activities医疗护理院活动
86210General medical practice activities全科医疗实践活动
86220Specialists medical practice activities专科医疗实践活动
86230Dental practice activities牙科实践活动
86900Other human health activities其他人类健康活动
87100Residential nursing care facilities住宅护理设施
87200Residential care activities for learning difficulties, mental health and substance abuse学习困难、精神健康和药物滥用的住宅护理活动
87300Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled老年人和残疾人住宅护理活动
87900Other residential care activities n.e.c.其他未另分类的住宅护理活动
88100Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled老年人和残疾人不提供住宿的社会工作活动
88910Child day-care activities儿童日托活动
88990Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c.其他未另分类的不提供住宿的社会工作活动
90010Performing arts表演艺术
90020Support activities to performing arts表演艺术支持活动
90030Artistic creation艺术创作
90040Operation of arts facilities艺术设施运营
91011Library activities图书馆活动
91012Archives activities档案馆活动
91020Museums activities博物馆活动
91030Operation of historical sites and buildings and similar visitor attractions历史遗址、建筑及类似旅游景点的运营
91040Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities植物园、动物园和自然保护区活动
92000Gambling and betting activities赌博和博彩活动
93110Operation of sports facilities体育设施运营
93120Activities of sport clubs体育俱乐部活动
93130Fitness facilities健身设施
93191Activities of racehorse owners赛马主人活动
93199Other sports activities其他体育活动
93210Activities of amusement parks and theme parks游乐园和主题公园活动
93290Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.其他未另分类的娱乐和休闲活动
94110Activities of business and employers membership organizations商业和雇主会员组织的活动
94120Activities of professional membership organizations专业会员组织的活动
94200Activities of trade unions工会活动
94910Activities of religious organizations宗教组织的活动
94920Activities of political organizations政治组织的活动
94990Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.其他未另分类的会员组织的活动
95110Repair of computers and peripheral equipment计算机及外围设备的维修
95120Repair of communication equipment通讯设备维修
95210Repair of consumer electronics消费电子产品维修
95220Repair of household appliances and home and garden equipment家用电器、家居和园艺设备维修
95230Repair of footwear and leather goods鞋类和皮革制品维修
95240Repair of furniture and home furnishings家具和家居用品维修
95250Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery钟表和珠宝维修
95290Repair of personal and household goods n.e.c.未另分类的个人和家庭用品维修
96010Washing and (dry-)cleaning of textile and fur products纺织品和毛皮制品的洗涤和(干)洗
96020Hairdressing and other beauty treatment美发和其他美容
96030Funeral and related activities葬礼和相关活动
96040Physical well-being activities身体健康活动
96090Other service activities n.e.c.未另分类的其他服务活动
97000Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel家庭作为家政人员雇主的活动
98000Residents property management居民物业管理
98100Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use私人家庭自用无差别商品生产活动
98200Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use私人家庭自用无差别服务生产活动
99000Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies境外组织和机构的活动
99999Dormant Company休眠公司
en_GBEnglish (UK)